Brad Parker wrote:
I can't get OTG host mode to work with any recent kernels. I'm
curious if anyone else has tried this.
It may well be something most people don't do.
I know it's poor form to respond to you own posts, but I thought I'd
add/ask the following:
I've found that the sys_boot settings can affect whether OTG host mode
works or does not work (when it works :-)
Has anyone else seen this?
OMAP3530; the beagleboard uses 01111 for sys_boot[4:0]; If you set them
to say, 00110,
USB OTG host won't work, even in older kernels which normally work.
01111 is nand,usb,uart3,mmc
00110 is mmc,usb
So in the second case it looks like the ROM has not touched the USB
hardware when it
boots from from mmc. In the first case it has set up the USB OTG hardware.
It seems that the OMAP ROM is doing something in the way of hardware
initialization which
the linux driver is depending on...
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