Aguirre Rodriguez, Sergio Alberto wrote:
Hi Michael,
-----Original Message-----
From: linux-omap-owner@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
[mailto:linux-omap-owner@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx] On Behalf Of michael
Sent: Sunday, October 04, 2009 7:29 PM
To: Nishanth Menon
Cc: linux-omap@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx; linux-media@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: Re: ISP OMAP3 camera support ov7690
cc: linux-media
Nishanth Menon wrote:
michael said the following on 10/03/2009 06:13 PM:
I'm writing a driver to support the ov7690 camera and I have some
question about the meaning of:
- datalane configuration
CSI2 Data lanes - each CSI2 lane is a differential pair.
And, at least 1
clock and data lane is used in devices.
Sorry can you explain a little bit more. I have the camera
connected to the
cam_hs and cam_vs and the data is 8Bit. I use the the isp init
structure. The sccb bus works great and I can send
configuration to it,
but I don't receive any interrupt from the ics, seems that it
doen't see
the transaction:
The ISPCCDC: ###CCDC SYN_MODE=0x31704 seems ok.
static struct isp_interface_config ov7690_if_config = {
.ccdc_par_ser = ISP_CSIA,
.dataline_shift = 0x0,
.hsvs_syncdetect = ISPCTRL_SYNC_DETECT_VSFALL,
I just try to invert the polary and I have no problem to share the code with the community.
The documentation miss info about the 4 clock and 8 clock before and after the frame.
I have the limitation that the camera is always on, so in the POWER_DOWN condidion
I reset it to have the output and signal in HZ state. I think that is correct,
Now I will try to take a look to the logic, because that receive interrupt must be
normal when I put out the signal connection. I can send the patch set to the mailing
linux-media to share the code and maybe there is somenthing else working on the same
device. Do you thing that is is a good idea. There are a lot of work to do for setting
varius control and I don't have a perfect knolowment of the OMAP part. I try to read
the code, but I suspect tha I can have basically two problem:
- missend register setting (so I don't enable correcly the signal output
- or somenthing regarding the timing.
The documentation lack and it's incomplete about timing and setting and I'm under nda
but the code is offcorse gpl and I have the intention to submit to review or help
people like me that are working around the same issue.
.strobe = 0x0,
.prestrobe = 0x0,
.shutter = 0x0,
.wait_hs_vs = 0x4,
.raw_fmt_in = ISPCCDC_INPUT_FMT_GR_BG,
.u.csi.crc = 0x0,
.u.csi.mode = 0x0,
.u.csi.edge = 0x0,
.u.csi.signalling = 0x0,
.u.csi.strobe_clock_inv = 0x0,
.u.csi.vs_edge = 0x0,
.u.csi.channel = 0x0,
.u.csi.vpclk = 0x1,
.u.csi.data_start = 0x0,
.u.csi.data_size = 0x0,
.u.csi.format = V4L2_PIX_FMT_YUYV,
and I don't know the meaning of
lanecfg.clk.pol = OV7690_CSI2_CLOCK_POLARITY;
lanecfg.clk.pos = OV7690_CSI2_CLOCK_LANE;
lanecfg.data[0].pol = OV7690_CSI2_DATA0_POLARITY;
lanecfg.data[0].pos = OV7690_CSI2_DATA0_LANE;
lanecfg.data[1].pol = OV7690_CSI2_DATA1_POLARITY;
lanecfg.data[1].pos = OV7690_CSI2_DATA1_LANE;
lanecfg.data[2].pol = 0;
lanecfg.data[2].pos = 0;
lanecfg.data[3].pol = 0;
lanecfg.data[3].pos = 0;
This is the physical connection details:
- The .pol field stands for the differntial pair polarity.
(i.e. the order in which the negative and positive connections
are pugged in to the CSI2 ComplexIO module)
- The .pos field is for telling in which position of the 4
available physically you have your clock, or data lane located.
Ok, so if I don't receive the clock for a wrong routing I can't read the
data but I can receive interumpt for vsync falling or rising transaction.
Is it correct?
Thank's for your time
Regards Michael
- phyconfiguration
PHY - Physical timing configurations. btw, if it is camera
specific you
could get a lot of inputs from [1].
Ok I wil ask to them.
Nishanth Menon
[1] http://vger.kernel.org/vger-lists.html#linux-media
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