On 13.04.23 г. 12:34 ч., Pavel Machek wrote:
I complained that "battery life is very poor" with leste. It seems to
be combination of several factors.
1) I was using very old battery
2) My charger is detected as "USB", not as "AC"
And this is because there is no working charger detection in the driver, so
initial current limit is hard-coded to 500mA.
Aha, thanks, makes sense.
According to my measurements "CPCAP_REG_CRM_FET_OVRD |
CPCAP_REG_CRM_FET_CTRL" results in battery discharding and 0A drawn
frmo the USB. "CPCAP_REG_CRM_FET_OVRD" is phone powered from USB,
with battery more or less disconnected (<12mA), which is what we want
in battery full situation.
What will happen if phone needs to draw more than N mA (N is the set charger
current limit)?
We may run over the limit, AFAICT. I guess one solution would be to
only do this when limit is high enough...
With current setup, phone will not boot if battery is empty, so this
needs quite urgent solution.
I updated my leste, and now have:
user@devuan-droid4:~/g/droid4-linux$ uname -a
Linux devuan-droid4 6.1.9 #1 SMP PREEMPT Mon Mar 20 15:16:53 UTC 2023 armv7l GNU/Linux
user@devuan-droid4:~/g$ apt show linux-image-omap
Package: linux-image-omap
Where can I find corresponding sources?
Best regards,