* Arthur Demchenkov <spinal.by@xxxxxxxxx> [200315 15:15]: > If the battery status is detected as full for the charging current that > doesn't exceed 100 mA, it will then be reported as full for charging > currents in the range of 100-150 mA. This is needed because > charge_current value has a spread. > > We don't use avg_current here because it can trigger wrong battery full > status on charger connected event. Hmm oh so this is against my earlier RFC patches. Care to respin the series against v5.6-rc? Feel free tweak my patches to leave out the unnecessary stuff as we decided to do things in a better way :) Just add a note like: [spinal: dropped out unusable foo and bar] So we know what got changed compared to the RFC patches. And then we might have a nice working set for merging in subject to others approving this approach of course :) Regards, Tony