Hi, i wanted to make my omap-osk standalone. so i tried to flash thefilesystem. My Host-pc is running fedora-7 but i could not get themtd_utils package for fc7 so i installed mtd-utils for fc6. then idid: mkfs.jffs2 -p -l -e 0x20000 -n -v -r /data/rootfs2.6/ -o filesys.jffs2 to get the jffs2 filesystem format for my osk. it did the job withoutany errors. But when i tried to access that image through tftpboot, aftertransfering the file tftpboot folder, the tftpboot did not recognizethe file. it complained of "no such file found" but i was sure thatthe file was there and the filename was proper. when i tried to openthe file though vi on my host machine, the host machine also did notrecognize the presence of file. then i changed the filename and thetftpboot transfer started. But on the mid-way it complains "undefinedinstruction". could some one please tell me where the problem is? thank you. regards,Shareef��.n��������+%������w��{.n�����{�������ܨ}���Ơz�j:+v�����w����ޙ��&�)ߡ�a����z�ޗ���ݢj��w�f