Well... It seems to be newbie error.
I started a smb.conf from scratch using webmin and now NILFS2 is
accessible and writable for Windows users.
The "Previous versions", however, is empty. It is based on Samba shadow
copy module. Am I doing something wrong below? "nilfs" shares is a whole
NILFS2 disk.
read raw = no
hosts deny = ALL
interfaces = eth0
write raw = no
hosts allow =
writeable = yes
path = /backup
valid users = piterdias
writeable = yes
path = /snapshoot
vfs objects = shadow_copy2
On 2013-03-01 02:56, Vyacheslav Dubeyko wrote:
Hi Piter,
On Fri, 2013-03-01 at 00:26 -0300, Piter Dias wrote:
I am using NILFS for few days, testing it to replace a /home
(currently ext3).
Although etx3 folders are easily available to my Windows machines,
NILFS folders don't. It shows on Windows explorer but it says that
network resource is not reachable.
I guess that you should have error messages in your system log. Do you
have it? Could you share NILFS2-related messages in your system log?
I think that you can encounter an NILFS2 issue. But it needs to have
more details about the reported issue's environment for the
understanding of situation on your side.
Vyacheslav Dubeyko.
Could someone share his experience with Samba and NILFS?
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Piter Dias
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