Hi, Steve,
thanks for your feedback, comments at the bottom.
On 05/10/17 10:02, Steve Dickson wrote:
On 04/20/2017 07:42 AM, Bill Baker wrote:
After some discussion with Andy Adamson and others, I've
decided to offer the the Agnews auditorium on Oracle's
Santa Clara campus for this year's June bake-a-thon. This
is the same facility used to host connectathon the last several
I've reserved the auditorium for the week of June 26th.
Much as I like downtown Ann Arbor, the auditorium offers
more than ample space in a comfortable facility. We would
like to continue the momentum of testing NFSoRDMA and the
extra equipment is not very practical at the workantile.
The usual suspects will be running the event:
Tina.Hartshorn@xxxxxxxxxx - registration, facilities
Chad.Wasinger@xxxxxxxxxx - network setup
If you have concerns with this plan, please voice them
here on-list, or to me privately. Last thing I would want
to do is discourage participation via this venue change.
Feel free to forward this to other interested parties.
Unfortunately, the people on the Red Hat team is having
a very hard time finding reasonable airfares to the
West coast. Instead of $300 or $400 its well over
$1000 which is causing push back by our management.
I, personally, have been looking for the last a couple
weeks, hoping the the prices would come down but they
have not... They have not gone up, but they have
not come down.
So at this point it looks like the Red Hat team
will not be attend this BAT, which is disappointing
because the timing actually worked out well with our
internal scheduling.
With that said, I had every intention after this BAT
of announcing the date Fall BAT for the last week
in Sept (25th to 29th). Hopefully at this point
airfares will be more reasonable so it will be
well attended. I will make a more official
announcement later on...
I understand completely.
Perhaps it is time to drop back to just 2 events per year,
connectathon and Fall BAT hosted by RedHat.
Would anyone be opposed to that? Time to speak up is now.
I'm on the hook for the auditorium.
Sorry for all the re-planning, we should have discussed this
during connectathon.
Bill Baker, Oracle ZFSSA/NFS development
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