Re: [PATCH v2 10/10] nfsdcltrack: flip the default in autoconf to "yes" for it

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On 25/10/12 10:07, Jeff Layton wrote:
> On Thu, 25 Oct 2012 08:57:17 -0400
> Steve Dickson <SteveD@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
>> On 24/10/12 11:25, Jeff Layton wrote:
>>> Allow nfsdcltrack to be built by default if all of the requirements
>>> for it are in place. Set the initial state of $enable_nfsdcltrack
>>> to "maybe", and fix the appropriate tests to just disable building
>>> the binary unless someone explicitly requests it.
>> Hmm... I'm not sure I too keen on this "maybe" state... 
> Would it help if we renamed it to
> "yes_but_only_if_requirements_are_met" ? :)

>> So if no flags are given to ./configuration, and not 
>> all the requirements to build nfsdcltrack exists, the configuration 
>> will succeed, but the command will not be build. Correct?
> Correct.
>> But if the  --enable_nfsdcltrack flag is given and not all
>> the requirements to build nfsdcltrack exist the configuration
>> will fail. 
> Correct.
>> I'm thinking we might want to make it a bit more binary. Either
>> on or off. Like it is with the other conditionally built 
>> commands... 
> So you want to fail the configure stage if all of the requirements for
> nfsdcltrack aren't present? That doesn't sound good to me. Note that we
> do have "tristate" handling already for stuff like the --disable-uuid
> option...
I'm thinking there it might cause confusion to silently not build
a binary, when the expectation is this should be there. I'm thinking
a failure of the config script would remove that confusion... And
as long as there a way to mask that failure out (aka --enable_nfsdcltrack=no
or --disable_nfsdcltrack) it will make it more explicit to what is or
is not happening... 

>> steved.
>>> Signed-off-by: Jeff Layton <jlayton@xxxxxxxxxx>
>>> ---
>>> | 24 +++++++++++++++++-------
>>>  1 file changed, 17 insertions(+), 7 deletions(-)
>>> diff --git a/ b/
>>> index 65d1bea..aa41e0a 100644
>>> --- a/
>>> +++ b/
>>> @@ -187,9 +187,9 @@ fi
>>>  AC_ARG_ENABLE(nfsdcltrack,
>>>  	[AC_HELP_STRING([--enable-nfsdcltrack],
>>> -			[enable NFSv4 clientid tracking programs @<:@default=no@:>@])],
>>> +			[enable NFSv4 clientid tracking programs @<:@default=yes@:>@])],
>>>  	enable_nfsdctrack=$enableval,
>>> -	enable_nfsdcltrack="no")
>>> +	enable_nfsdcltrack="maybe")
>>>  dnl Check for TI-RPC library and headers
>>> @@ -269,12 +269,22 @@ if test "$enable_nfsv4" = yes; then
>>>    dnl Check for sqlite3
>>> -  if test "$enable_nfsdcltrack" = "yes"; then
>>> +  if test "$enable_nfsdcltrack" != "no"; then
>>>  	AC_CHECK_HEADERS([libgen.h sys/inotify.h], ,
>>> -		AC_MSG_ERROR([Cannot find header needed for nfsdcltrack]))
>>> -
>>> -  	if test "$libsqlite3_cv_is_recent" != "yes" ; then
>>> +		if test "$enable_nfsdcltrack" = "yes"; then
>>> +			AC_MSG_ERROR([Cannot find header needed for nfsdcltrack])
>>> +		else
>>> +			AC_MSG_WARN([Cannot find header needed for nfsdcltrack. Disabling it.])
>>> +			enable_nfsdcltrack="no"
>>> +		fi
>>> +	)
>>> +  fi
>>> +  if test "$libsqlite3_cv_is_recent" != "yes" ; then
>>> +	if test "$enable_nfsdcltrack" = "yes"; then
>>>  		AC_MSG_ERROR([nfsdcltrack requires sqlite3])
>>> +	elif test "$enable_nfsdcltrack" != "no"; then
>>> +		AC_MSG_WARN([nfsdcltrack requires sqlite3. Disabling it.])
>>> +		enable_nfsdcltrack="no"
>>>  	fi
>>>    fi
>>> @@ -292,7 +302,7 @@ if test "$enable_nfsv41" = yes; then
>>>  fi
>>>  dnl enable nfsidmap when its support by libnfsidmap
>>> -AM_CONDITIONAL(CONFIG_NFSDCLTRACK, [test "$enable_nfsdcltrack" = "yes" ])
>>> +AM_CONDITIONAL(CONFIG_NFSDCLTRACK, [test "$enable_nfsdcltrack" != "no" ])
>>>  AM_CONDITIONAL(CONFIG_NFSIDMAP, [test "$ac_cv_header_keyutils_h$ac_cv_lib_nfsidmap_nfs4_owner_to_uid" = "yesyes"])
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