Re: NFSv4 null request and compatibility with netapp

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Hi Tom,

Thanks for the answer. It seems from our colleagues managing the filer that it is running Data OnTap version 7.3.3 P5.

A ticket has been opened to our technical support for NetApp (Telindus) with number ISS ISS00094182 but I think it is not a NetApp case number. I will ask them if they can provide me this case number.


On 29/06/2011 19:11, Thomas Haynes wrote:

What version of OnTap are you running?

Actually, if you have a case number from NetApp, I can look at that internally.


On Jun 29, 2011, at 11:50 AM, Trond Myklebust wrote:

On Wed, 2011-06-29 at 16:37 +0200, Franck Eyraud wrote:
Dear nfs linux list,

I have an issue with NFSv4 clients running debian with linux kernel
version 2.6.29 and above. The NFS4 server is n a NetApp NAS.

The problem arised when, after upgrading the kernel of our machines, the
filer started to issue a lot of these messages :

Client 1XX.1XX.2XX.73 has an authentication error 2
Client 1XX.1XX.2XX.73 is sending bad rpc requests with error: RPC version mismatch or authentication error(73)

The NetApp team analyzed the tcp trace and sent us with this answer, basically saying that the fault is from client side :

Can someone on the list confirm that their affirmations are correct ?

I already opened a bug on debian  where they said that maybe the client behavior is not that odd with respect with the RFC standard.
Without a trace, it is hard to affirm anything, but please note the

     1. The client will usually share the same TCP connection for _all_
        mounts to any given server, so even if you didn't see the client
        establish the rpcsec_gss session after the particular mount that
        you used to test on, it may have been established by a previous
     2. Once the client is finished using an rpcsec_gss session, and
        that session is kicked out of the cache (usually within 1 minute
        of last use, but it may occasionally take longer), then the
        client will send out a NULL call with the RPCSEC_GSS_DESTROY
     3. The client doesn't know, before sending an RPC call, whether or
        not the server has already expired the rpcsec_gss session. If
        the server has expired it without the client's knowledge, then
        it is unreasonable to declare the RPCSEC_GSS_DESTROY call to be
        an error. The server should simply try to obey the call, and
        then acknowledge it as a success, whether or not it actually
        found an active session.

IOW: this all looks to me like a storm in a teacup brought about by a
server implementation that is logging errors in a case where it


Tue May 24 10:05:59 MEST [vcid@s-jrciprna004p: nfsd.rpc.request.bad:warning]: Client 1XX.1XX.2XX.73 is sending bad rpc requests with error: RPC version mismatch or
authentication error(73)

We looked in the code and the (73) has no significance here and is simply the error code number for "RPC version mismatch or authentication error".

What we see is that the following occurs at the time of these errors:
- The client has an established TCP session on which it does NFSv4.
- The NFSv4 calls uses Kerberos.
- On that TCP session, the client occasionally does a NULL call.
- The filer rejects it with an authentication error (auth state 2, client must begin new session)
- The client does a new NULL call on a separate TCP session without a GSS context.
- The filer responds and a new context is established.
- The client continues on the original TCP session with the new context.

This explains why no side effect is seen: the client simply establishes a new context and continues as if nothing had happened.
We have checked through the trace for vlan 240 and the pattern is the same throughout and the error always happens for NULL calls only (occasionally two replies may be
sent in the same TCP payload, but the error is always on the NULL reply, then).
We know that some Debian kernels do not exhibit this problem at any time, but others do. This (along with the problem being tied to NULL calls only)
suggest to us that this is due to client side behaviour.

Anyway, we tried to check for the first occurrence of the error, which warrants some chronology. We'll do references per clock second for ease.
- The first client call is at 10:04:16 in an established NFS mount.
- The initial part of the trace, the client only uses TCP port 1006.
- The client uses the same GSS context, with the exception of a SETCLIENTID and a SETCLIENTID_CONFIRM call.
- At 10:05:00 the client tears down four GSS sessions (used for Kerberos) using RPCSEC_GSS_DESTROY in an NFSv4 NULL call. This is done from TCP port 1006 but for four
different contexts. None of these have been used in the trace at that point.
- The client continues with more cals on port 1006 using the the same GSS context.
- Still at 10:05:00 (frame 1982792), the client uses an NFSv4 call to do a RPCSEC_GSS_INIT to establish a new GSS context.
- The client continues using the new GSS context and does not reuse the old context.
- The sequence described above on the NULL calls start.

Looking closer at these steps, we notice something important in the NULL calls.
Above, the client destroyed four GSS contexts that were not used during the trace. However, it did not destroy the GSS context it was using for a while there.

However, we now note the client actually does a RPCSEC_GSS_DESTROY in each of the NFSv4 NULL calls where we respond with an authentication error. As the error
indicates that the client has to begin a new session, this seems like a reasonable response to the call.

So to summarize:
- The filer logs these errors when the client destroys a GSS context.
- The error message is a logical response.

The decission to tear down the GSS context is with the client. So this would seem to be a client side issue after all, which just happens to get logged on the filer.

Thank you for your help,

Franck Eyraud

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Trond Myklebust
Linux NFS client maintainer


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Franck Eyraud
European Commission - Joint Research Centre
Institute for Environment and Sustainability
MARS Unit - Community Image Data Portal

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