On 02/02/10 15:40 -0500, Hugo wrote:
I am currently working with kernel .
Per this conversation:
[Bonding-devel] [PATCH] bonding: fix multiple module load problem
, I would like to know how to correctly create multiple bonding
interfaces with different options / modes.
Can anybody help me with that?
I recently upgraded from kernel 2.6.26 which was working fine using
something like in modprobe.conf:
install bond0 /sbin/modprobe --ignore-install bonding -o bond0
mode=balance-alb miimon=100
install bond1 /sbin/modprobe --ignore-install bonding -o bond1
mode=balance-rr miimon=100
, unfortunately kernel 2.6.29 does not seem to like these and when I
test the bonding interfaces using just a ping, I got a kernel panic.
Also, I have trying several different ways to configure the bonding
interface, but it is never stable.
Ping will work for 10 seconds, time out for another 0 or so and back and
Here are the bonding options I use (specified in /etc/modules on Debian):
bonding miimon=100 mode=4 lacp_rate=1
This has worked for me on the following kernels:
I have not tried newer kernels. You can obtain a list of options for
bonding for your newer kernel with 'modinfo bonding'.
Those options work well with my Cisco 3750 switch. Without these options
set, I would only link up at 100meg (on gig interfaces) and/or I would drop
every other packet.
Hope that helps.
An FYI for other Debian users, you can bond like this in
auto bond0
iface bond0 inet static
slaves eth0 eth1
(I have no eth0 or eth1 entries interfaces)
Dan White
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