I have a need for the macsonic.c driver on an old Mac PPC machine but it looks like the code has been broken for a long time. I'm trying to figure out how it got broken and who might know more about it. Poking around in the CVS logs it looks like the damage happened around January, 2000. About 400 of the 600 lines of macsonic.c changed, including a change from including "macsonic.h" to including "sonic.h". But the new code references a structure member sonic_local.sonic_desc, and as far as I can tell the struct sonic_local defined in sonic.h has never contained such a thing. And macsonic.h doesn't exist any more. So to make a long story short, macsonic.c won't compile. Who knows more about this driver, how it got broken, and/or the easiest way to fix it? Thanks, Jim - : send the line "unsubscribe linux-net" in the body of a message to majordomo@vger.kernel.org More majordomo info at http://vger.kernel.org/majordomo-info.html