Hi can say You as You can arrange with XMail : http://www.maticad.it/davide/xmail.asp but You can do it also with a combination of (sendmail, qmail, exim, postfix)+ fetchmail+qpopper. Setup an XMail installation at US offices that handle foo.com. Setup an XMail installation at India offices that handle ind.foo.com. Setup POP3LINKS at India offices to "suck" mails from foo.com for users at ind.foo.com. At India offices use x@foo.com in Your mail client software. Setup all users at India offices to use XMail machine as POP3 and SMTP server. Setup EXTALIASES for all users at India offices in that way : "foo.com"[TAB]"xxx"[TAB]"ind.foo.com"[TAB]"xxx"[NEWLINE] This will make XMail to replace xxx@foo.com with xxx@ind.foo.com for mail handled locally ( responses remain locals ). Setup ( India ) smtpgw.tab : "*@foo.com"[TAB]"@xmail.foo.com"[NEWLINE] to send all mail for US offices from India offices, through the link to xmail.foo.com. If You want to send mail through US offices XMail machine set the ( India ) server.tab line : "DefaultSMTPGateways"[TAB]"xmail.foo.com,my-india-isp.supernet.com"[NEWLINE] while if You want to send out mail using Your ISP smart SMTP host : "DefaultSMTPGateways"[TAB]"my-india-isp.supernet.com"[NEWLINE] while if You want to send out mail directly comment out the "DefaultSMTPGateways" line. Davide -- Feel free, feel Debian ! - : send the line "unsubscribe linux-net" in the body of a message to majordomo@vger.rutgers.edu