Ok here goes some part of it (I will sent it to the list so that others
can contribute).
Some of it I have for compiling from svn and some por post installing,
so please forgive me if it may get confusing.
Step 1) You will need a program to convert the fonts from the debian
project. The program is pcftobdf available, from
tar -xzf pcf2bdf-1.04.tgz
# modify the Makefile.gcc (some line) from:
CC = gcc
# to
CC = g++
# install
make -f Makefile.gcc clean
sudo make -f Makefile.gcc install
# it would be nice if it could be uploaded somewhere in dosemu site
already corrected :)
Step 2) Get the VGA fonts from project debian/terminus
# downlaos the file: xfonts-terminus-dos_4.12-1_all.deb
# it is a newer version now...
# I don't know how to open it command line, so I opened it with ARK,
# and into the directory data.tar.gz I chose the file I want, in this case
#and drag it to somewhere, they are identified as: inthis case 14 pixels
heigh and cp850.
# unzip:
gunzip -c ter-u14b_ibm850.pcf.gz >ter-u14b_ibm850.pcf
# now you need to convert it to dosemu format:
/usr/local/bin/pcf2bdf -o vga8x14-cp850.bdf ter-u14b_ibm850.pcf
/usr/local/bin/pcf2bdf -o vga10x20-cp850.bdf ter-u20b_ibm850.pcf
# I rename the font to a more dos-like name
Step 3) Install the font with dosemu compiled from source
# Copy the bdf file to the etc directory in dosemu
# Copy the second line of the .bdf file to etc/dosemu.alias like this:
vga8x14-cp850 -xos4-Terminus-Bold-R-Normal--14-140-72-72-C-80-IBM-CP850
vga10x20-cp850 -xos4-Terminus-Bold-R-Normal--20-200-72-72-C-100-IBM-CP850
# delete the directory /usr/local/share/dosemu/Xfonts
# and reinstall dosemu compilado compiled from fonts
or) for dosemu in rpm (I don't find good annotations)
# install and reconfigure manualy the fonts in
# you also need to edit manualy the alias file in the font directory
# similar to step 3 above
# reconfigur X to recognize the fonts
mkfontdir /usr/local/share/dosemu/Xfonts
xset fp rehash
# but this needs .pcf.gz files, dosemu's install creates them
# I will have to look more if I can find how to do it.
I hope this is a good start,
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