Re: [RFC 2/4] blkdev: lift BLK_MAX_BLOCK_SIZE to page cache limit

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On Thu, Mar 20, 2025 at 09:34:50AM -0700, Bart Van Assche wrote:
> The fact that this change is proposed because there are device
> manufacturers that want to produce devices with block sizes larger than
> 64 KiB would be useful information for the commit message.

I think it's just the proposal that is very confused.  Keith pointed
out that number of segments mostly matters when you have 4k
non-contiguous pages and that's where the quoted limit comes from.

The LBA size is a lower bound to the folio size in the page cache,
so the limit automatically increases with that, although in practice
the file system will usually allocate larger folios even with a smaller
block size, and I assume most systems (or at least the ones that care
about performance) actually use transparent huge pages/folios for
anonymous memory as well.

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