Re: [RFC PATCH 0/4] Kernel daemon for detecting and promoting hot pages

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Hi Balbir,

On 18-Mar-25 10:58 AM, Balbir Singh wrote:
On 3/6/25 16:45, Bharata B Rao wrote:

This is an attempt towards having a single subsystem that accumulates
hot page information from lower memory tiers and does hot page

At the heart of this subsystem is a kernel daemon named kpromoted that
does the following:

1. Exposes an API that other subsystems which detect/generate memory
    access information can use to inform the daemon about memory
    accesses from lower memory tiers.
2. Maintains the list of hot pages and attempts to promote them to

Currently I have added AMD IBS driver as one source that provides
page access information as an example. This driver feeds info to
kpromoted in this RFC patchset. More sources were discussed in a
similar context here at [1].

Is hot page promotion mandated or good to have?

If you look at the current hot page promotion (NUMAB=2) logic, IIUC an accessed lower tier page is directly promoted to toptier if enough space exists in the toptier node. In such cases, it doesn't even bother about the hot threshold (measure of how recently it was accessed) or migration rate limiting. This tells me that it in a tiered memory setup, having an accessed page in toptier is preferrable.

Memory tiers today
are a function of latency and bandwidth, specifically in

adist ~ k * R(B)/R(L) where R(x) is relatively performance of the
memory w.r.t DRAM. Do we want hot pages in the top tier all the time?
Are we optimizing for bandwidth or latency?

When memory tiering code converts BW and latency numbers into an opaque metric adistance based on which the node gets placed at an appropriate position in the tiering hierarchy, I wonder if it is still possible to say if we are optimizing for bandwidth or latency separately?

This is just an early attempt to check what it takes to maintain
a single source of page hotness info and also separate hot page
detection mechanisms from the promotion mechanism. There are too
many open ends right now and I have listed a few of them below.


This is just an early RFC posted now to ignite some discussion
in the context of LSFMM [2].

I look forward to any summary of the discussions

Sure. Thanks,

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