This series adds basic flash/strobe support for ov9282 sensors using their "hardware strobe output". Apart from en-/disabling the flash/strobe output, setting a timeout (duration of activated strobe per frame) is implemented. The calculation of this timeout is only interpolated from various measurements, as no documentation was found. Further flash/strobe-related controls as well as a migration to v4l2-cci helpers will likely be implemented in future series. All register addresses/values are based on the OV9281 datasheet v1.53 (january 2019). This series was tested using an ov9281 VisionComponents camera module. Signed-off-by: Richard Leitner <richard.leitner@xxxxxxxxx> --- Richard Leitner (3): media: i2c: ov9282: add output enable register definitions media: i2c: ov9282: add led_mode v4l2 control media: i2c: ov9282: add strobe_timeout v4l2 control drivers/media/i2c/ov9282.c | 89 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++-- 1 file changed, 86 insertions(+), 3 deletions(-) --- base-commit: f41427b3bdee7d9845b13a80c0d03882212f4b20 change-id: 20250303-ov9282-flash-strobe-ac6bd00c9de6 prerequisite-change-id: 20250225-b4-ov9282-gain-ef1cdaba5bfd:v1 prerequisite-patch-id: 86f2582378ff7095ab65ce4bb25a143eb639e840 prerequisite-patch-id: b06eb6ec697aaf0b3155b4b2370f171d0d304ae2 prerequisite-patch-id: b123047d71bfb9b93f743bbdd6893d5a98495801 Best regards, -- Richard Leitner <richard.leitner@xxxxxxxxx>