Hi Joakim, On Wed, Sep 16, 2020 at 10:22:11AM +0000, Joakim Zhang wrote: > > Hi Sean, > > Thanks for your hint, I will send a V2 soon according to your suggestions. > > We also have a concern, since you are a IR expert, may you can give us answers. With this patch, the first frame once press could not been decoded. > AFAIK, IR protocols have not specify how may frames transmitting once press, is there ang criterion to decide this? > > Is it possible that single frame transmitting once pressing? Per my understanding, it will transmit more than one frame. So remotes send IR signals while a button is being pressed down. For the remotes I've seen, when pressing a button a short amount of time will repeat the IR message at least three times. This is a few times when I've tried this, but by no means exhaustive of all remotes or protocols. I think the question you are trying to answer is, if we miss the first message, will we at least have another chance if the message is repeated? So I think the message will be repeated, but the repeat message is not enough for the nec protocol. The nec repeat is a shorter message which does not carry any information apart from "last key still pressed": https://www.sbprojects.net/knowledge/ir/nec.php Thanks, Sean