On 6/25/20 8:32 PM, Ariel D'Alessandro wrote:
Hey Gregor,
On 6/24/20 4:46 PM, Gregor Jasny wrote:
thanks for your helpful suggestions. I made a PR from those: Feel free to squash
it into yours:
When looking at your quoted code with the fixes I'm wondering if you forgot to
push your branch?
Merged and pushed, thanks.
From a Debian packager perspective the current branch looks really
good. Only lintian found a small typo:
I: qv4l2: image-file-has-conflicting-name
usr/share/icons/hicolor/scalable/apps/qv4l2.svg (is PNG)
I guess it's due to that:
qv4l2_icons_files = [
['qv4l2.png', 'scalable', 'qv4l2.svg'],