On 18/09/17 14:26, Eyal Lebedinsky wrote:
I have just upgraded to f24. I am now using the standard dvb_usb_rtl28xxu fe
I have upgraded to f26 and this driver still fails to tune the "Leadtek Winfast DTV2000 DS PLUS TV".
which logs messages suggesting all is well (I get the /dev/dvb/adapter? etc.) but I get no channels tuned when I run mythfrontend or scandvb. Is anyone using this combination? Is this the correct way to use this tuner?
Is this the wrong list? If so then please suggest a more suitable one.
BTW: Until f22 I was using the out of kernel driver from https://github.com/jaredquinn/DVB-Realtek-RTL2832U.git but I now get a compile error. TIA
-- Eyal Lebedinsky (eyal@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx)