hi. first, thanks for the man pages. always a great resource (in spite of the --help's of the world). i recently tried to figure out how to use getaddrinfo_a with its notification facilities. ---- https://git.sr.ht/~minshall/gai-a ---- the examples in the man page was very helpful to me. ---- https://git.kernel.org/pub/scm/docs/man-pages/man-pages.git/tree/man/man3/getaddrinfo_a.3 ---- that there is any example is great, though i can imagine controversial (because of length). but ... > This example shows a simple interactive getaddrinfo_a() front-end. > The notification facility is not demonstrated. if there was a desire to expand the asynchronous example to demonstrate signal and callback notifications, i could take a stab at it. maybe adding commands to change the facility (for future requests that session), or some such. cheers, and again thanks, Greg