On 12/9/21 02:12, Jann Horn wrote:
Thanks! Patch applied.
Oh, that was quick! Thanks.
Simple and very well explained patches get applied fast :)
I slightly modified the patch for the following reason:
Use semantic newlines
In the source of a manual page, new sentences should be
started on new lines, and long sentences should be split
into lines at clause breaks (commas, semicolons, colons,
and so on). This convention, sometimes known as "seman‐
tic newlines", makes it easier to see the effect of
patches, which often operate at the level of individual
sentences or sentence clauses.
BTW, now I remember I should apply some minor patch to that paragraph
(s/sentence clauses/clauses/).
Ah, thanks for the pointer. I'll try to remember it for next time...
Alejandro Colomar
Linux man-pages maintainer; https://www.kernel.org/doc/man-pages/