I tried with 2.6.18, but due to lack ATARI_FB I didnt see much except the bootlog of the kernel in the console. And it panicked not finding the root partition (which I found strange, since it did say it found the "disk")
You must be kidding? I did the whole Atari 2.6.18 patching on aranym (the testing, anyways). That includes atafb support (see patches posted here, and at debian-68k). Not to mention keyboard, aranym networking, and a bit more.
Also, with the 2.4.27 kernel I did not get the tap/tun working, so I tried to find a way to access the ext2 partitions on the disk image directly from outside aranym. I suspect I might be able to do this using losetup with an offset argument, but I have not managed it yet. Anyone have a tip?
I asked Petr about this, it should be possibe. I haven't tried to find the correct offset yet (should be the size of the partition table, ideally).
amiga-fdisk and atari-fdisk seem to struggle opening disk-image files that are 2GB or bigger, but PC fdisk manages. I assume it's possible to boot m68k kernel from PC partitioned disk/image if one compiles a kernel with support for it set?
Right, the only caveat with such a kernel is that Atari partition format needs to come before PC partition format in the list of formats tested on boot (otherwise Atari partitions will be misparsed as illegal PC partitions - incidentially, this might be why you could not mount the disk). Michael - To unsubscribe from this list: send the line "unsubscribe linux-m68k" in the body of a message to majordomo@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx More majordomo info at http://vger.kernel.org/majordomo-info.html