[PATCH 1/3] leds: leds-st1202: initialize hardware before DT node child operations

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Arguably, there are more chances of errors occurring during the
initialization of the hardware, so this should complete successfully
before the devicetree node's children are initialized.

st1202_dt_init() fills the led_classdev struct.

st1202_setup() initializes the hardware. Specifically, resets the chip,
enables its phase-shift delay feature, enables the device and disables all
the LEDs channels. All that writing to registers, with no input from

Real-world testing corroborates that calling st1202_setup() before
st1202_dt_init() doesn't cause any issue during initialization.

Switch the order of st1202_dt_init() and st1202_setup() to ensure the
hardware is correctly initialized before the led_classdev struct is

Signed-off-by: Manuel Fombuena <fombuena@xxxxxxxxxxx>
 drivers/leds/leds-st1202.c | 4 ++--
 1 file changed, 2 insertions(+), 2 deletions(-)

diff --git a/drivers/leds/leds-st1202.c b/drivers/leds/leds-st1202.c
index 9f275f7fb159..e7dce8c26bde 100644
--- a/drivers/leds/leds-st1202.c
+++ b/drivers/leds/leds-st1202.c
@@ -349,11 +349,11 @@ static int st1202_probe(struct i2c_client *client)
 		return ret;
 	chip->client = client;
-	ret = st1202_dt_init(chip);
+	ret = st1202_setup(chip);
 	if (ret < 0)
 		return ret;
-	ret = st1202_setup(chip);
+	ret = st1202_dt_init(chip);
 	if (ret < 0)
 		return ret;

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