[PATCH 2/3] leds: leds-st1202: spacing and proofreading editing

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Minor edits regarding use of spacing and proofreading.

There is a minor inconsistency in the use of spacing as margin in
one of the comments providing details about the datasheet.

There is also a typo that comes from the datasheet itself.

Change spacing on comment and correct typo.

Signed-off-by: Manuel Fombuena <fombuena@xxxxxxxxxxx>
 drivers/leds/leds-st1202.c | 10 +++++-----
 1 file changed, 5 insertions(+), 5 deletions(-)

diff --git a/drivers/leds/leds-st1202.c b/drivers/leds/leds-st1202.c
index e7dce8c26bde..4e5dd76d714d 100644
--- a/drivers/leds/leds-st1202.c
+++ b/drivers/leds/leds-st1202.c
@@ -99,9 +99,9 @@ static int st1202_pwm_pattern_write(struct st1202_chip *chip, int led_num,
 	value_h = (u8)(value >> 8);
-	 *  Datasheet: Register address low = 1Eh + 2*(xh) + 18h*(yh),
-	 *  where x is the channel number (led number) in hexadecimal (x = 00h .. 0Bh)
-	 *  and y is the pattern number in hexadecimal (y = 00h .. 07h)
+	 * Datasheet: Register address low = 1Eh + 2*(xh) + 18h*(yh),
+	 * where x is the channel number (led number) in hexadecimal (x = 00h .. 0Bh)
+	 * and y is the pattern number in hexadecimal (y = 00h .. 07h)
 	ret = st1202_write_reg(chip, (ST1202_PATTERN_PWM + (led_num * 2) + 0x18 * pattern),
@@ -287,8 +287,8 @@ static int st1202_setup(struct st1202_chip *chip)
-	 * Once the supply voltage is applied, the LED1202 executes some internal checks,
-	 * afterwords it stops the oscillator and puts the internal LDO in quiescent mode.
+	 * Once the supply voltage is applied, the LED1202 executes some internal checks.
+	 * Afterwards, it stops the oscillator and puts the internal LDO in quiescent mode.
 	 * To start the device, EN bit must be set inside the “Device Enable” register at
 	 * address 01h. As soon as EN is set, the LED1202 loads the adjustment parameters
 	 * from the internal non-volatile memory and performs an auto-calibration procedure

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