On 01/17/2016 04:46 PM, Elias Vanderstuyft wrote:
Concerning this,
the following may give you an example how to read incoming FF events on uinput:
Tried that and I'm pretty close to giving up...
I've added the following to my uinput init function:
// Set up force feedback parameters
ret = ioctl(fd, UI_SET_EVBIT, EV_FF);
ret = ioctl(fd, UI_SET_FFBIT, FF_PERIODIC);
ret = ioctl(fd, UI_SET_FFBIT, FF_RUMBLE);
ret = ioctl(fd, UI_SET_FFBIT, FF_GAIN);
ret = ioctl(fd, UI_SET_FFBIT, FF_SQUARE);
ret = ioctl(fd, UI_SET_FFBIT, FF_TRIANGLE);
ret = ioctl(fd, UI_SET_FFBIT, FF_SINE);
From my device handling thread, I'm starting a separate thread to
handle the opposite direction of communication. Plan is to do blocking
read from the open uinput device. I open the device with O_RDWR to be
able to read and write. The "rumble thread" starts with:
pthread_setcancelstate(PTHREAD_CANCEL_ENABLE, NULL);
struct input_event event;
while (1) {
ssize_t n = read(args->fduinput, &event, sizeof(event));
printf("n: %d\n", n);
Everything beyond this never executes. The read blocks forever.
And even worse: If the read blocks, my "driver", and all programs
connected to my input device, are deadlocked. No chance to kill them.
And to be honest: After three hours of debugging I'm kind of sick of
rebooting my machine over and over again.
Any chance to get some hint?
Thanks in advance
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