On 12/08/13 00:18, Zachary Lund wrote:
Secondly, the Xbox 360 controllers claim to be HID compliant... this
is not an HID driver. That's because the report descriptor is missing
and I, unfortunately, do not know what to do about that. Some drivers
like XBCD and the driver found at tattiebogle.net both provide their
own report descriptor and work from there. While I'd like to do the
same eventually, it will take me longer than a week to do that as I'd
have to educate myself on HID and figure out what to do about the
missing descriptors.
I've run into an instant road block. The controller claims
bInterfaceClass to be 0xFF (Vendor-specific) so usbhid won't probe it. I
didn't think it would be so difficult to work around that but I've spent
the better part of today trying to figure out just that. usbhid is a
usb_driver that has only one requirement to be probed: bInterfaceClass
be 0x03. Unfortunately, the device fails this requirement.
Does anyone know of a way around this mechanism? Or perhaps I should
take a different approach?
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