Neat! A Bluetooth input device: I've had this machine sitting in its box by my desk for 6 months, and finally opened it. After writing a better pairing mechanism, I'd like to see what's needed to make this device into a "proper" joystick. >From the developer manual: The device is a Bluetooth HID device. Once paired, the various buttons and directions will generate a key press/release for each key press and key release. For example, pressing the first button will generate: KEY_Y press KEY_Y release Releasing that same first button will generate: KEY_T press KEY_T release What would be the best way to handle that sort of device? Do we have any good example of devices that behave this way, and of a barebones joystick driver? Cheers -- To unsubscribe from this list: send the line "unsubscribe linux-input" in the body of a message to majordomo@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx More majordomo info at