Celebrating 9 years of libiio, the userspace Library for interfacing with Linux IIO devices (libiio) is getting ready for a new release: https://github.com/analogdevicesinc/libiio/releases/tag/v0.25-rc.1 Improvements: - improved (proper) handling for IPv6 link-local addresses - added binaries and fixed a few macOS-13 arm64 issues - have iiod shutdown, and reload IIO context when getting USR1 signal - added bindings for C++11 - added some missing man pages - fixed builds for SPARC - and many more If you find anything, please report to: https://github.com/analogdevicesinc/libiio/issues This is likely (hopefully) the last release before an upgrade to libiio 1.0, so we would like to make sure it's as stable as possible, as most future effort will be spent on the 1.x branch. -Robin