The Intel 8254 PIT first appeared in the early 1980s and was used initially in IBM PC compatibles. The popularity of the original Intel 825x family of chips led to many subsequent variants and clones of the interface in various chips and integrated circuits. Although still popular, interfaces compatible with the Intel 8254 PIT are nowdays typically found embedded in larger VLSI processing chips and FPGA components rather than as discrete ICs. A library providing support for interfaces compatible with the venerable Intel 8254 Programmable Interval Timer (PIT) was merged in commit d428487471ba ("counter: i8254: Introduce the Intel 8254 interface library module"). Now that the necessary dependencies have been merged, this patchset adds support for the i8254 in two respective follow-up patches for the 104-dio-48e driver and stx104 driver whose devices feature i8254 compatible interfaces. The two patches are independent and may be taken each separately in their respective subsystem tree. William Breathitt Gray (2): gpio: 104-dio-48e: Add Counter/Timer support iio: addac: stx104: Add 8254 Counter/Timer support drivers/gpio/Kconfig | 1 + drivers/gpio/gpio-104-dio-48e.c | 127 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++---- drivers/iio/addac/Kconfig | 1 + drivers/iio/addac/stx104.c | 61 ++++++++++++++- 4 files changed, 172 insertions(+), 18 deletions(-) -- 2.41.0