Hi All, This builds on top of the recently merged commit e5b1032a656e ("iio: accel: kxcjk1013: Add support for KIOX010A ACPI DSM for setting tablet-mode"): https://git.kernel.org/pub/scm/linux/kernel/git/torvalds/linux.git/commit/?id=e5b1032a656e9aa4c7a4df77cb9156a2a651a5f9 As explained in that commit: "Some 360 degree hinges (yoga) style 2-in-1 devices use 2 KXCJ91008-s to allow the OS to determine the angle between the display and the base of the device, so that the OS can determine if the 2-in-1 is in laptop or in tablet-mode. On Windows both accelerometers are read by a special HingeAngleService process; and this process calls a DSM (Device Specific Method) on the ACPI KIOX010A device node for the sensor in the display, to let the embedded-controller (EC) know about the mode so that it can disable the kbd and touchpad to avoid spurious input while folded into tablet-mode." Currently the kxcjk1013 driver calls the DSM for this once at probe time to ensure that the builtin kbd and touchpad work. This commit adds a tablet_mode sysfs file to the i2c_client device (not to the iio-device so outside of the iio namespace!) which allows userspace to call the DSM to toggle between laptop/tablet-mode by writing this file. I guess this might be a bit controversial, butI would still like to see this patch go upstream. The user reporting the initial kbd / touchpad not working issue has requested for the functionality offered by the DSM (silence kbd and touchpad) to be made available to userspace; and I already wrote this patch before then because I would like users to be able to exercise the DSM to be able to observe what influence it has on these systems. Regards, Hans