Hi Jonathan, Since this is probably doing to require a few rounds, I have created a new thread for this issue. I have been looking at the IIO ABI docs and if I understand correctly, the idea is to use consistent naming conventions? So for example, looking at the ADE7854 datasheet, the naming matching the ADE7854 registers would be as follows: {direction}_{type}_{index}_{modifier}_{info_mask} AIGAIN - In_current_a_gain AVGAIN - in_voltage_a_gain BIGAIN - in_current_b_gain BVGAIN - in_voltage_b_gain — How do we represent the rms and offset AIRMSOS - in_current_a_rmsoffset AVRMSOS - in_voltage_a_rmsoffset — Here I don’t understand how to represent both the phase and the active/reactive/apparent power components. Do we combine the phase and quadrature part like this AVAGAIN - in_power_a_gain /* apparent power */ — AWGAIN - in_power_ai_gain /* active power */ — AVARGAIN - in_power_aq_gain /* reactive power */ — Now here it becomes more complicated. Not sure how this gets handled. AFWATTOS - in_power_a_active/fundamental/offset — AWATTHR - in_energy_ai_accumulation — Thinking about this a little more, perhaps only the attributes that would be used in a user space app need to be this descriptive. Let me explain. Most of the registers on the ADE7878 and even more so on the ADE9000, would have nothing to do with the user space app. Most of these registers are used purely for configuration, settings and calibration. For these registers, maybe we should use the register name as the modifier. For example: AIGAIN - register_AIGAIN For measurement registers, we adhere to the traditional naming convention: AIRMS - in_current_a_rms AVRMS - in_voltage_a_rms AWATTHR - in_energy_a AFWATTHR - in_energy_a_fundamental AVARHR - in_energy_aq /* I still have a problem with this one */ AFVARHR - in_energy_aq_fundamental /* See the problem here? */ AIMAV - in_current_a_mean-abolute-value /* I’m having a difficult time trying to make this work */ When I look at the ADE9000, the functionality is even more complex, so I’m hoping everyone can offer suggestions on how to resolve this. Regards, John AVARHR - in_energy_aq_accumulation — IPEAK - in_current_peak — I’ll leave it there, because there are some even more complicated register naming issues. Regards, John Regards, John -- To unsubscribe from this list: send the line "unsubscribe linux-iio" in the body of a message to majordomo@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx More majordomo info at http://vger.kernel.org/majordomo-info.html