* Dmitry Torokhov -- Tuesday 09 March 2010: > Have you considered the fact that maybe you not using the right interface? No. Because I'm not talking about *writing* an application, but about *using* applications written by others. The producer of my two BU0836A knows that the devices are different, I know that they are different, the kernel knows that they are different, but the applications don't know that, because the kernel doesn't tell them (via JSIOCGNAME). > You need to work with guys at linux-iio@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx (which stands > for Industrial I/O which is exactly what you are working with). Hmm, then I wonder why the joystick names are different on Windows and Linux already. :-} unpatched Linux: "Leo Bodnar BU0836A Interface" (Vista?) Windows: "BU0836A Interface" (not even the manufacturer ... pff) Oh, well. Forget it. I'll just distribute the patch, then. I didn't have much hope, anyway. m. -- To unsubscribe from this list: send the line "unsubscribe linux-iio" in the body of a message to majordomo@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx More majordomo info at http://vger.kernel.org/majordomo-info.html