Re: [PATCH v2 00/13] mailbox: pcc: Fixes and cleanup/refactoring

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On 3/12/25 16:05, Sudeep Holla wrote:
On Wed, Mar 12, 2025 at 02:04:51PM -0400, Adam Young wrote:
The XGene patch did not apply on top of Linus's current tree. The other
patches applied OK.

Yes Guenter had mentioned it in his review. I have it rebased locally [1]
but yet to push out v3 on the list.

I only had to make one modification to my patch to remove the call to
‘pcc_mbox_ioremap’,  as it is performed in the pcc_mbox_request_channel call
instead. With that change, my driver continues to work. I will submit
another version here shortly.

Nice, I wasn't aware of the Ampere driver using ioremap. Is it posted on
the list ? Or are you saying you will post it soon.

It is posted to net-next.

I will post an updated version once this series goes in.  I don't expect it to merge for this kernel due to the dependency, but the code will be better for this change.

Thanks for testing. Please provide tested-by for patch 1-8 if you are
happy with it.
Happy to do so.

I like the direction that this change is pushing, making the mailbox layer
the owner for other drivers.

Yes it was long due. I had changes in my WIP but was away when you changes
got merged. Otherwise I would have asked you to do some of the changes in
this series. My bad, couldn't review your patches unfortunately.

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