On 27/11/2023 14:04, Cosmo Chou wrote:
Andrew Jeffery <andrew@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote on Mon, 2023-11-27
at 11:23 AM:
On Mon, 2023-11-20 at 17:17 +0800, Cosmo Chou wrote:
commit 2be6b47211e1 ("i2c: aspeed: Acknowledge most interrupts early
in interrupt handler") moved most interrupt acknowledgments to the
start of the interrupt handler to avoid race conditions. However,
slave Tx ack status shouldn't be cleared before SLAVE_READ_PROCESSED
is handled.
Acknowledge Tx ack status after handling SLAVE_READ_PROCESSED to fix
the problem that the next byte is not sent correctly.
What does this mean in practice? Can you provide more details? It
sounds like you've seen concrete problems and it would be nice to
capture what it was that occurred.
For a normal slave transaction, a master attempts to read out N bytes
from BMC: (BMC addr: 0x20)
[S] [21] [A] [1st_B] [1_ack] [2nd_B] [2_ack] ... [Nth_B] [N] [P]
T1: when [21] [A]: Both INTR_SLAVE_MATCH and INTR_RX_DONE rise,
INTR_RX_DONE is not cleared until BMC is ready to send the 1st_B:
That is, BMC stretches the SCL until ready to send the 1st_B.
T2: when [1_ack]: INTR_TX_ACK rises, but it's cleared at the start of
the ISR, so that BMC does not stretch the SCL, the master continues
to read 2nd_B before BMC is ready to send the 2nd_B.
To fix this, do not clear INTR_TX_ACK until BMC is ready to send data:
This looks like the same issue, but we chose to ack them late. Same with
- Quan