For anyone who is interested I hacked up a program to turn what I think is a readable seccomp syntax into BPF rules. It should make it easier to prototype this new thing. The translator needs a LOT of love to be worth much, but for now it can handle a couple of things and can build a set of rules! The rules are of the form: label object: value label So using Will's BPF example code in my syntax looks like: start syscall: rt_sigreturn success sigreturn success exit_group success exit success read read write write read arg0: 0 success write arg0: 1 success 2 success So this says the first label is "start" and it is going to deal with the syscall number. The first value is 'rt_sigreturn' and if syscall == rt_sigreturn will cause you to jump to 'success' (success and fail are implied labels). If the syscall is 'write' we will jump to 'write.' The write rules look at arg0. If arg0 == "1" we jump to "success". If you run that syntax through my translator you should get Will's BPF rules! You'll quickly notice that the translator only understands "syscall" and "arg0" and only x86_32, but it should be easy to add more, support the right registers on different arches, etc, etc. If others think they might want to hack on the translator I put it at: -Eric
#! /usr/bin/python -Es import sys if len(sys.argv) > 1: file = open(sys.argv[1]) else: file = sys.stdin linecount = 0 sections = [] rules = {} output = [] section_map = {} def new_section(section): if section[1] == "syscall": output.append(("BPF_STMT(BPF_LD+BPF_W+BPF_IND, regoffset(orig_eax)),", section[0])) elif section[1] == "arg0": output.append(("BPF_STMT(BPF_LD+BPF_W+BPF_IND, regoffset(ebx)),", section[0])) elif section[0] == "success": output.append(("BPF_STMT(BPF_LD+BPF_W+BPF_LEN, 0),", section[0])) elif section[0] == "fail": output.append(("BPF_STMT(BPF_RET+BPF_A,0),", section[0])) def new_rule(rule, section, last=None): string = "BPF_JUMP(BPF_JMP+BPF_JEQ+BPF_K, %s, %s, 0)," % (rule[0], rule[1]) if last: string = string.replace(", 0)", ", fail)") output.append((string, "0")) if __name__ == '__main__': while 1: line = file.readline() if not line: break linecount = linecount + 1 if ":" in line: sections.append(line.strip().strip(":").split()) else: key = sections[-1][0] current_list = rules.get(key, []) newrule = line.strip().split() if sections[-1][1] == "syscall": newrule = ["__NR_%s" % newrule[0], newrule[1]] current_list.append(newrule) rules[key] = current_list sections.append(["success", "*"]) sections.append(["fail", "*"]) for section in sections: new_section(section) if rules.has_key(section[0]): for rule in rules[section[0]]: if rule == rules[section[0]][-1]: new_rule(rule, section, 1) else: new_rule(rule, section) for lineno,line in enumerate(output): if (line[1] == "0"): continue section_map[line[1]] = lineno for lineno,line in enumerate(output): line = line[0] for section in section_map.keys(): # Only replace in those last 2 commas #if VALUE == section: #replace VALUE with str(section_map[section] - lineno - 2) splitline = line.split(",") if section in splitline[-3]: splitline[-3] = splitline[-3].replace(section, str(section_map[section] - lineno - 1)) if section in splitline[-2]: splitline[-2] = splitline[-2].replace(section, str(section_map[section] - lineno - 1)) line = ",".join(splitline) print line