Hi, On 03. 03. 19 12:32, Alper Yazar wrote: > Hi, > > I asked the question on Xilinx forums about 1 months ago but didn't get any response [1]. I hope that someone on this list may guide me. > > I am creating Linux based images for Zynq-7000 devices by using Petalinux 2018.3 which is a set of build tools provided by Xilinx. For FPGA management, FPGA Manager is included by default. However it doesn't support partial reconfiguration for Zynq-7000 devices as stated [2]. I tested and verified that it doesn't work. I assumed that /drivers/fpga/zynq-fpga.c is the source code, checked it and noticed some comments about partial reconfig. AFAIK previous driver used by Xilinx before FPGA Manager whose source code file is xilinx_devcfg.c supported partial reconfig. So I don't think that there is a hardware limitation since the previous solution was working on the same device. So I wonder why the newest method is less capable than the older one. I need partial reconfig support for the newest petalinux version. What should I do? > > a) Compile old xilinx_devcfg.c driver for Petalinux 2018.3 and disable FPGA Manager. > > b) Somehow patch FPGA Manager > > c) Wait (how long?) Xilinx to solve this issue > > Two names are listed as MODULE_AUTHOR of zynq-fpga.c: Moritz Fischer and Michal Simek. I don't know whether they are subscribed to this list or not. > > > [1]: https://forums.xilinx.com/t5/Embedded-Linux/Partial-Reconfiguration-support-in-Petalinux-2018-3-for-Zynq/td-p/934057 > [2]: https://xilinx-wiki.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/A/pages/18841645/Solution+Zynq+PL+Programming+With+FPGA+Manager Nava: Can you please check if partial reconfiguration is still working? I see code in the driver. Alper: Can you please use u-boot and check that your bitstreams are correct? Also will be good to have some logs to see what it is happening. Thanks, Michal