On Mon, Jan 26, 2009 at 1:48 AM, Mika Laitio <lamikr@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> I also run it with "-5".
> I personaly don't like to use network advertisements (-n switch) since I
> don't trust them.
> I use a full frequency filled INI file.
It might be that the signal is not the best possible for me as I can only
scan about 500 channels with scan by using a command:
./scan -o vdr -a 1 Astra-19.2E
In Astra-19.2E I have single line:
#Astra 1KR (19.2E) - 10743.75 H - DVB-S (QPSK) - 22000 5/6 - NID:1 - TID:1051
S 10743750 H 22000000 5/6
However, once scanned the channels like eurosport, arte, skynews, cnn
international shows up just fine with vdr-1.6.0.
But if I try to use the same Astra-19.2E file with scan-s2, it can only
find the channels from frequency 10743750 if I have stopped the "scan"
after it had found those channels... If I let the scan to run in the end
to other frequencies, then scan-s2 can not find anything...
./scan-s2 -a 1 -5 -n Astra-19.2E
Propably Klaus Schmidinger reported something related with his TT-3200 in
I have however hvr-4000.
As an owner of cx24116 device you should know that it doesn't allow any AUTO settings, so you have to create an INI file with all parameters explicitly specifed (FEC, modulation, rolloff).
I believe this is the main problem.
Also, please take the latest scan-s2, I've done some changes especily for cx24116 cards.
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