Re: [PATCH] Userspace tuner

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On 8/17/07, CityK <CityK@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> Dâniel Fraga wrote:
> > 	I've been exchanging e-mails with Markus for months and he
> > supported very well my board (cx88 chip with xc2028 tuner).
> >
> Yes, Markus is very good (exceptionally good in fact) with helping users.
> > 	But at the same time, I noticed that there's a disagreement
> > between Markus and the maintainers and I think this is
> > counterproductive.
> >
> > 	As far as I know there's a lot of code to be merged in the
> > kernel and we, the users, are waiting for months to see that. If the
> > maintainers keep discussing everything to death, it won't get any
> > further.
> >
> > 	So please, let's work together and reach the objective.
> Markus Rechberger wrote:
> > The reason is that the linuxtv project depends on people who have
> > their own ideas and do not care about other solutions or temporary
> > solutions to get things done
> Now Markus:
> a) That comment certainly isn't very cooperative or indicative of good
> will ... and most certainly not in concert with what many of your
> supporters wish (i.e. just look at the concluding sentence in Daniel's
> comment).
> I previously told you once already, in a private email, that if you have
> truly moved on from LinuxTV, then leave it at that, and stop with the
> parting shots/insults.  After all, you have yourself asked on several
> occasions on the mailing list for discussion on the matter to cease.  So
> what's good for the goose should be good for the gander.
> b) Your comment is highly hypocritical on another level too.  Consider
> comments from the "[RFC/PATCHES] xc3028 hybrid tuner, em28xx/em2880-dvb,
> saa7134, cx88" thread on the mailing list this past May:
> Quoting M.Krufky ( from:
> "If we decide to go this route, it will truly be the best compromise --
> It will allow us to merge in support for the sixty some-odd devices that
> Markus is talking about, and it will allow for easy development of newer
> devices that use this tuner ic. The major benefit of this method is that
> it _will_ allow for us developers to put our heads together after the
> fact, and find better ways of supporting hybrid tuners. At that point,
> the pressure of 'trying to merge support for sixty devices' will be
> gone. Developers will finally be able to discuss this issue without the
> pressure of the current pending issues, and we _will_ be able to find a
> better solution.
> As far as I can tell, it seems that this is the only way for us to push
> this through, while not upsetting other developers. .... I will
> volunteer to keep up the maintenance of the xc3028-fe module until that
> proper, better solution is agreed upon."
> Quoting M. Rechberger
> (
> "This is not acceptable for me anymore"

exactly this is and was not acceptable for me.
that code was almost exactly what I've been told after the second
approach (the mail you quoted over there). I've been told to not do it
like that at the beginning after I submitted the first code and
finally after wasting weeks of rewriting and rebasing more code on
that I'm getting told to move the code back where it was at the very
first beginning? Back then I moreover had the feeling I'm getting
pushed around by clueless people (and it definitelly was like that),
everyone dreamed about his own ideas.

This is the reason why relying on linuxtv is very bad. Sometimes
clueless people try to guide people who are looking for a solution,
although the people who back then had no clue at the beginning also
improved their knowledge as everyone did. I still have logs where I
asked those people if there's any solution available logs from the
very first beginning where everything was peaceful.

The userspace tuners allows developers to add tuners independently of
linuxtv and manage them by themself if they don't want to submit them
officially, also it opens the possibility that people can do whatever
_they_ want in userspace adding more features and taking the advantage
of the userspace environment. It will avoid discussions with people
who might misguide them (this also happened with me when I first tried
to discuss some issues - I enjoyed Johannes statement once which was
something like "this would mean that the work gets manipulated").


> As I stated in my last message in this thread, and as others have stated
> before on several occasions, "temporary solutions to get things done"
> were available, only you choose not to follow such courses.    Live with
> that decision and follow your path.  But don't pretend it was otherwise.
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Markus Rechberger

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