Re: cx24123 not tuning, geniatech digistar I dvb-s pci

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thomas schorpp wrote:
Grégoire FAVRE wrote:

On 04/02/07, thomas schorpp <t.schorpp@xxxxxx> wrote:

what? a digistar?

Yes, exactly two same model than yours.

I doubt that for now, newer hw revision, I got it directly from the europe distributor.
<schorpp> 00:06.0 Multimedia video controller: Conexant CX23880/1/2/3 PCI Video and Audio Decoder (rev 03)
<schorpp>         Subsystem: Conexant Unknown device 0084
<schorpp> his works...
<schorpp> 0000:00:0b.0 Multimedia video controller: Conexant Winfast TV2000 XP (rev 05)
<schorpp>         Subsystem: Conexant: Unknown device 0084
<schorpp> mine not, if pciids db are correct ive a newer revision of chips
<schorpp> mostly register changes
<schorpp> so the tuner doesnt get programmed at all
<schorpp> checking rev check code in core...
<schorpp> no
<schorpp> so anyone has got latest revisions databooks for the chips?
<schorpp> if not i return to the cards distributor
<schorpp> im no puzzle world champion
<schorpp> a hauppauge dev at the list stated in last june stuff is released to public ( but he meant only code, I assume)
<schorpp> I ask the distributor now if he gives me the books, he claims linux support in his advertisment, we'll see...
<schorpp> mailing him

but I dont expect to get the databooks or full programming information.

tuner crystal X10.111 (any other would not be possible cause of needed 
stepsize) cx24109-11, c48ck0605, 0605kr, pheriphial circuitry unlnown
cx24123-11, 62005540, 0603kr

conexant manufactured in 3-5/06 it seems.

that should make no difference against 2.6.18-3-latest debian,
I assume the time constant capacitors are some other on my
geniatech circuit...

Well, why on earth not taking directly the vanilla source, but I agree
that shouldn't change anything, as long as debian didn't make some
change in it.
no change. no go for now.


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