Peter Fern wrote:
Kielogl wrote:
I also tried Chris Pascoe's tree and it has the same
problems with USB tuner stability and with SBS on the PCI tuner. But
it does not require the +166667Hz offset for Nine and SBS (thanks
Damien) as the current development tree does, so it looks like all of
Chris's changes have not been merged as yet.
I have both tuners working fine under with the hg tree using
the ZL10353 based version, with the following transports for SBS and
Nine in Melbourne:
Nine: 191791667
SBS: 536666667
Perhaps try a stock kernel instead of the FC-rolled version?
I have just tried compiling the 2.6.18 kernel and today's sources from
the main hg repository. Distro is FC5 (with vanilla kernel 2.6.18),
DViCO Board is revision 1.4, with the ZL10353 frontend.
In just doing some quick testing, SBS in Brisbane, Australia appears to
be more stable than before - with some notes:
- It (and channel 9) still require the +166667Hz offset.
- When using tzap, the PCI tends to lock on SBS on the the 3rd line
consistently, whereas all other channels lock by the 2nd line.
- The USB for SBS tends to lock by the second tzap.
This behavior seems to be quite repeatable. I am going to leave tzap on
overnight on the USB and see If I get the "drop out" problem described
Tzap is recoding an SNR of about D5D5 for SBS and FEFE for most other
Chris's test branch, which is what I have installed on my old vanilla
kernel (, I think), does not require the offset, but has been
known to have stability problems as described in previous threads. I
will probably report back with another round of testing over the next
couple of days.
Best regards
Damien Dusha.
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