>.. having fiddled around (quite successful) with my cinergyT2's remote
>which also registers itself within the linux input layer, I'm
>currently wondering, why you are specifying "--driver=dvico"
>(==> hidddev) and not "--driver=dev/input".
Using "--driver=dvico" since "--driver=dev/input" does not work.
[root@localhost etc]# irrecord --driver=dev/input --device=/dev/input/event2 /home/mythtv/new.conf
Driver `dev/input' not supported.
Supported drivers:
[root@localhost etc]# irrecord --driver=default --device=/dev/input/event2 /home/mythtv/new.conf
irrecord - application for recording IR-codes for usage with lirc
Copyright (C) 1998,1999 Christoph Bartelmus(lirc@xxxxxxxxxxxx)
irrecord: could not init hardware (lircd running ? --> close it, check permissions)
[root@localhost etc]# ps -ef |grep lirc
root 17918 3373 0 17:21 pts/1 00:00:00 grep lirc
>The later (dev/input) worked for me at least after enabling "input device events"
>(INPUT_EVDEV=y) in the kernel. (Do you have a device node for your remote,
>i. e. /dev/input/eventX, or just the /sys/class/input/... entries?)
Yes, I have both.
[root@localhost etc]# ls /dev/input/*
/dev/input/event0 /dev/input/event1 /dev/input/event2 /dev/input/mice /dev/input/mouse0
[root@localhost etc]# ls /sys/class/input/*
dev device uevent
dev device uevent
dev uevent
capabilities device event0 id modalias name phys uevent uniq
capabilities device event1 id modalias mouse0 name phys uevent uniq
capabilities event2 id modalias name phys uevent uniq
dev uevent
dev device uevent
Any other ideas?
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