Re: [PATCH] Re: [PATCH] Multi protocol support (stage #1)

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>On Thu, May 25, 2006, christophpfister@xxxxxxxxxxx wrote:
>> >On Thu, May 25, 2006, christophpfister@xxxxxxxxxxx wrote:
>> >> >On Tue, May 23, 2006, christophpfister@xxxxxxxxxxx wrote:
>your quoting is broken :-(
>> >- hierarchical modulation: one DVB-S and one DVB-S2 signal are
>> >  combined via a hierarchical mapper; the DVB-S2 signal
>> >  is _SIS_ (note that the hierarchical mapper is located *after*
>> >  PL header insertion); a DVB-S receiver will only see the
>> >  DVB-S stream; a DVB-S2 receiver will see the DVB-S2 stream,
>> >  however to do so it needs to be set in a special BC mode
>> >  (because of the "asymmetric 8PSK constellation");
>> >  again our API would use DVBFE_DELSYS_DVBS vs. DVBFE_DELSYS_DVBS2
>> >  to select HP vs. LP stream, but also needs the obc_mode flag.
>> That's not quite correct. While a DVB-S device receives only the HP stream,
>> a DVB-S2 device receives *both* streams.
>> So the most used mode is MIS. The stream_id is used in this case to select
>> either the lp or the hp stream.
>I'm looking at EN 302 307 figure F.1. It shows that the HP stream
>is a DVB-S stream of I/Q-bits (outer & inner coding, not yet
>spectrum shaped and modulated) according to EN 300 421, thus it
>cannot have a stream_id.


>Please explain why you think hierarchical BC mode uses
>MIS and stream_ids to select HP/LP. It contradicts
>my understanding of the standard.

Let's try this way:

1. What SISMIS is used in the hierarchical modulation for the DVB-S2 stream?
   -> if SISMIS == SIS then there is no problem
   -> if SISMIS == MIS then there is a problem (see 2.)
   I think this question isn't answered clearly by the standards.
   As long as we don't know the correct answer we can't dicuss further on
   (Well Manu and I suppose that SISMIS == MIS)

2. How does the demod filter? Does it exact matching or intelligent matching?
   -> intelligent matching means that if we use SIS we get the whole stream
   -> exact matching means that we have to use MIS and the correct stream_id,
otherwise we don't receive anything
   Both would be possible (because HP and LP are already distinguished by
different modcods), but again: We don't know.

So my suggestion is: Please leave that out in the current api as long as
we don't have a working testing environment.

>The frame structure of DVB-S2 is totally different than
>DVB-S, so a DVB-S2 demodulator will not be able to demodulate
>a DVB-S stream. E.g. STB0899 contains two completely
>seperate demodulators for DVB-S and DVB-S2 mode.
>to select the HP or LP stream.

Yes, it contains two demods.
We can use DVBFE_DELSYS_DVBS to access the HP stream, but I think it's possible
with an appropriate modcod too (just speculation from my side - please let
us freeze it here according to my suggestion above).

>> >> >- NBC-BS == "normative broadcast mode"?
>> >>
>> >> Yes.
>> >
>> >After sleeping it over, I think NBC-BS and
>> >"normative broadcast mode" are not equivalent.
>> >DVB-S2 NBC-BS has mandatory and optional parts
>> >(EN 302 307 table 1), and "normative broadcast mode"
>> >means "the mandatory parts of NBC-BS only".
>> >
>> >I.e. MIS is optional and thus nor part of
>> >"normative broadcast mode". Thus what EN 300 468
>> >means to say is: "If you only use the mandatory parts
>> >of NBC-BS you don't need the S2 descriptor".
>> NBC-BS doesn't need the S2 descriptor (as explained earlier).
>> But still NBC-BS == "normative broadcast mode", e.g. because the backward
>> compatible mode isn't the same as normative broadcast mode.
>It really a bummer that EN 300 468 uses the term
>"normative broadcast mode" without defining it,
>but I am now convinced that "normative broadcast mode (NBC-BS)"
>means "those parts of NBC-BS which are mandatory",
>i.e. "normative broadcast mode" means a subset of NBC-BS.
>Look at EN 302 307 table 1.
>E.g. MIS is NBC-BS, but not part of "normative broadcast mode"
>since MIS is an *optional* feature of NBC-BS.

Manu explained that ...




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