The Cinergy remotes seem to be the DVB problem child. I simply gave up trying to get the one that came with the Cinergy T² working as I operate the box from keyb/mouse directly anyway. If you really need a remote control, I suggest to get any VCR remote that has all the buttons you need and feed lirc that with a homebrew IR receiver, you can get them at a large online auction site for a few bucks. -- -----BEGIN GEEK CODE BLOCK----- Version: 3.12 GCS d--(+)@ s-:+ a- C+++(++++) UL+>++++ P+>++ L+++>++++ E-- W++ N o? K- w--(---) !O M+ V- PS++(+) PE(-) Y++ PGP t++(---)@ 5 X+(++) R+(++) tv--(+)@ b++(+++) DI+++ D G++ e* h>++ r%>* y? ------END GEEK CODE BLOCK------ _______________________________________________ linux-dvb@xxxxxxxxxxx