Hi there, currently I am trying to set up an EPIA-based MythTV box with two Terratec Cinergy 1400-T cards. The basics are sorta-kinda working already, but fine-tuning the system really takes ages... Hence any helpful reply to the following two questions about the Cinergy's remote control would be appreciated: 1) As far as I understand, some part of the cx2388x kernel module (I am using a custom monolithic 2.6.14 kernel) directly converts remote control signals to some kind of keypress events (at least when pressing any of the number or direction keys on the remote, a bash console reacts accordingly). This conversion is , I understand, performed via the /dev/input/event interface (at least I get some cryptic output from "cat /dev/input/event1" on every remote key press). I wonder if it is somehow possible to forward any of this data to lircd so that arbitrary commands may be issued on remote key hits. Any idea how to achieve this? 2) Althoug the Myth box alone will significantly reduce the number of required remote controls in the living room (provided I ever will be able to finish the installation...), I'd love to get along with just one multi-purpose remote. So does anyone know if (and if so: how) it might be possible to use the Cinergy's IR reciever with a different remote control? Thanx in advance for any help -- Torsten