Hi there, I'm just getting my htpc built, having used scan and tzap of course, before using xine for display so far. Currently the PC is connected to a fairly poor aerial, which of course complicates things, while I found tzap or femon could give useful information, reading a stream of hex digits while pointing an aerial and fiddling with an amplifier isn't necessarily the easiest thing to do, so I've cooked up gtzap which is a GTK version of tzap, with progress bars used as "meters" for signal/snr/ber which are easier to look at ;-) see http://adslpipe.co.uk/linuxhtpc/images/gtzap1.png It got me thinking, is there a wider need for a decent gui frontend which can guide a user through initial DVB setup? Or have I missed the fact that such a utility already exists ? It could handle detecting cards, channel scanning, either a full (slow) autoscan, or taking "seed" values like scan currently does, or perhaps even looking up tuning details from a central transmitter database which can be updated more frequently than the util/scan/dvb* files from CVS and displaying status information from the tuner. I'm happy to have a go at building such a utility, grabbing whatever bits are need from existing utilities where possible ... Thoughts?