Le Dimanche 20 Novembre 2005 23:15, raid517 a ?crit?: > Hi I tried projectX - but I admit I am a bit confused by it. I > downloaded a .zip file and extracted it to a seperate folder. This > contained the following files and folders: > > Copying ReadMe.txt ReleaseNotes_0.90.2.txt lib > ProjectX.jar ReleaseNotes_0.90.2.00.txt htmls So you got a binary (.jar) > So what now? How do I start it? java -jar ProjectX.jar > I normally don't have a problem compiling software or anything like that > - and I regularly build my own .debs with checkinstall and debian rules > binary and so on but I have simply never encountered software in this > format before. > > It mentions something in the readme about opening a batch file to edit > the path to the the Java SDK, but as you can see from the output of ls > above, there is nosuch .bat file. > Has anyone perhaps got a debian source for this software that will allow > me to install it via apt-get? > -- Christophe Thommeret