A number of us are having problems with MythTV and DVB-T, mostly with USB tuners, it seems. The longest thread on their bugtracker regarding this is http://svn.mythtv.org/trac/ticket/343 In particular, it's puzzling me that both my USB tuners, a Nova-T and a DEC2000t, will record fine at the command line (using tzap), but refuse to work with MythTV (they have previously worked just fine, it seems to be the new signal monitoring code that Myth has introduced). The output from tzap looks weird though, esp. the Nova-T, which reports zero signal as soon as it gets a proper lock (meh?). This is a card that will stream a playable (mplayer) TS to disk with no trouble, but Myth refuses to watch that channel. The problem would may be that Myth is waiting for PAT/PMT to appear and considers it to be absent. The developers speculate that this may be a driver problem. One assertation by a developer was that Myth probably gives the API a bigger workout than your applications and that he might be able to provide code that would break things ; I'm sure that would prove a tasty challenge. I'm happy to perform whatever contortions necessary to aid resolving this, as my wife is upset because House, MD hasn't recorded for four consecutive weeks now and she's getting withdrawal symptoms ;-)