[linux-dvb] Nebula card conflicting with foxconn motherboard?

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Thanks to your sterling efforts I have had my nebula card working 
beautifully for over a year as a myth box working nicely along side a 
This was in a Dell P3 1Ghz & it was powerfull enough to record & do most 
stuff, but transcoding took forever & it was awfully noisy - so a few 
weks ago i decided to upgrade.  I bought a Sempron 2600 & an abit 
motherboard, but i found that it didn't support the processor without a 
bios upgrade, which i obviously couldn't do, So ended up with a foxconn 
winfast nforce3 250 board as that was the only one i could find that 
explictly stated it worked with a 2600.

Now i just can't get the thing to work!
	Previously it all worked beautifully on 2.6.7, but anything less than 
2.6.9 doesn't have the sata drivers i need,  And for some reason 
anything >2.6.9 steadfastly refuses to find my frontend (nxt6000).  but 
that's ok - i'll just use 2.6.9!

Now i can tune and dvbstream to file perfectly, but if i stream to 
mplayer i get terrible interference.  I've concluded there must be some 
kind of conflict with my video card.

They are on separate IRQs,  latency of the nebula card seems to 
initialise at 32, and i have tried increasing that up to 255 with no 
effect, or also decreasing the nvidia card down to 64.
I have shuffled the card in to every other slot (alhough it seems 
determined to be on either IRQ 3,5 or 7),  tried other graphics cards, 
Used pci=noacpi nolacpi as kernel options,  but i can't get a clean 
signal whilst watching it, or any other recording.

I am at my wits end,  i am concluding that there is some base 
unresolvable conflict between the motherboard and my card as i have put 
the old machine together and it works just as it did.

So in the absence of any bright ideas anyone has about what i'm doing 
wrong,  can someone suggest a motherboard that _will_ work with my 
nebula card & preferably my sempron 2600 as i've got it now!

Or alternately  are any of the different digicards going to be any 
better for load on the pci bus as i've sure i could sell on my nebula?

many thanks,

Robin Marlow
Once the toothpaste is out of the tube, it's hard to get it back in.
		-- H.R. Haldeman

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