Hi, Hartmut! thx for your sent patches. I´ve already compiled it against with these patches from your RESENT post, as somebody gived me the tipp. So its working very good. I can only say !!!!!!!GREAT JOB!!!!!!. Now i´m searching for some simple software to watch dvb, dvd etc. its the only tv-grabing device at home. I´m looking for some simple homecinema soft that can be fully controlled by lirc and the old good xine is not that really(not everybody in my house is a such linuxfreak like me :-). Compiling at the moment MythTV, the philosophy of this plattform is that what im looking for, but not sure that it will run with my medion budget card. So its now ready compiled, i will give them a try. Now one question to people having expirience with linux as multimedia homebox. What software of this kind can be used? Advices? greets P.S.: Live is much freelier, since you are not reliant on microsoft products :-) P.S.v2:Sorry for my bad english, didn´t really learn it at all, only from soft without localization and chats :-) hermann bier aka dr0bz