This post is OT, but it may be of interest. As per posts to this list passim, my old Nova card broke, and I got hold of a Nebula card that is, so far, not supported in Linux. Anyway, I was subject to pressure to get the telly working again, and I had a spare hard drive so, I thought, I would use the software that Nebula provides. Well, a quick Win2k install happened, followed by the Nebula software, and, well, I was absolutely astounded. It is insanely great software. It works incredibly well on live TV (including pausing), recording and playback, electronic programme guide and remote control. I first got involved in the Linux DVB project when I had a Hauppauge Nova-T card, and the accompanying Windows software, which was risible. Although a Linux user (for my work, day-to-day, then as now) I never thought that OS as the basis for my telly. Well, it was for the last few years, but it ain't no more! This is OT, because it is nothing to do with the drivers. However, if any of the application developers want inspiration, have a look at Nebula's efforts: it will either inspire you to do more, or depress you with its all-round competence. A